Cadets is a program which strives to build good attributes of citizenship and leadership. In keeping with this vision, it is expected that the cadets themselves are the primary motivators for their success. While support from parents is important, the best way for you to support you cadet is to encourage them to take responsibility for their training and time management.
The information listed below, provides a general outline of where your cadet will find the necessary for them to be successful. Squadron Slack Forum
All day to day communication and announcements are posted in the Slack Forum.
For security reasons, zoom links will only be posted in level or team channels on the Slack Forum.
Slack can be accessed from either a computer or smart phone.
Emails are sent out when there are new announcements. Emails will be sent to parents and or cadets with the information provided when the cadet was enrolled. If this information has changed please speak to the Administration Officer or use the "contact us" portion of the website.
Cadets can find the following information in the cadets section of the resource tab:
Squadron Event Calendar
Squadron General Announcements
Uniform Request Forms
The initial issue form is for new cadets who are being sized for a uniform for the first time.
The uniform replacement form is for current cadets who are missing uniform parts or need new parts.
If your cadets require assistance, they are to contact their level officer on Slack or by email. If cadets require IT support, they are to use the "contact us" portion of the website or speak to their level officer.
Parent Volunteers
If you would like to be involved with your cadet at the squadron, the squadron relies heavily on parent volunteers to carry out some of the landmark events of the year.
Parent volunteers are screened by the Squadron Sponsoring Committee (SSC) and the Air Cadet League of Canada - British Columbia Provincial Committee. If you wish to become a parent volunteer, please download the form here and submit it to the SSC via email at [email protected].
Please direct any questions and concerns to the Squadron Sponsoring Committee who can be reached by email at [email protected]