Commanding Officers Parade - 29 January
Activity: Commanding Officers Parade Who: ALL 525 Cadets and Parents Where: 525 LHQ - 595 Keith Road, West Vancouver When: 1830 - 2115 - Normal Parade Night timings Wear: Full Blue Uniform (C1's) Bring: Notes + Water NCOIC: Squadron Cadet Commander OIC: Lt Williams, M Description Commanding Officers Parade is a tradition in the military where the head commanding officer inspects the squadron and acknowledges the cadets' success over the past month. Cadets will arrive at their regular Monday night timings and participate in parade practice. Parents are highly encouraged to remain for the parade, which starts at 1910. The CO will march on at 1920, followed by the remainder of the Commanding Officer's parade, including the inspection, march past, and awards and presentations. Parents are welcome to watch and support the squadron and their cadets. This month, the CO's parade is significant for our Level 1 Cadets, as they will be sworn into the squadron and accelerated to their new levels, if applicable. After the parade, cadets will participate in a period of instruction followed by dismissal. Questions to your Flight Commanders INDOOR BEACH VOLLEYBALL RESCHEDULING!!!! Now happening on March 16th.
Hello everyone, please note that the indoor beach volleyball competition has been rescheduled to March 16th. A new sign-up sheet will be posted on Monday night. There will be NO volleyball tomorrow January 28th, 2024. Any questions please direct to Lt Williams. Location Change - 15 January
Activity: Regular Training Night Who: ALL 525 Cadets and Parents Where: 1513 Forbes Ave, North Vancouver, BC (The Blue Building) When: 1900-2100(note delayed start) Wear: Civilian Attire Bring: Notes + Water NCOIC: Squadron Cadet Commander OIC: Lt Williams, M Description Due to a burst pipe at our regular meeting location, cadets for this evening have been moved. Please take a look at the info above for updated location and timings. Questions to your Flight Commanders Return To Training - January 8th, 2024
Activity: Regular Training Night Who: ALL 525 Cadets and Parents Where: 525 LHQ - 595 Keith Road, West Vancouver When: 1830 - 2115 - Normal Parade Night timings Wear: Blue Uniform (C3's) Bring: Notes + Water NCOIC: Squadron Cadet Commander OIC: Lt Williams, M Description The adult staff and senior cadets from 525 Pathfinder are happy to welcome back our squadron cadets for the remainder of the training year. Cadets will participate in a regular training evening and arrive at their assigned times tonight. (1800 for NCOs and 1830 for Cadets.) During the closing parade, we invite your parents to join us for our end-of-night announcements. Questions to your Flight Commanders Regular Training Night - December 4th
Activity: Regular Training Night Who: ALL 525 Cadets and Parents Where: 525 LHQ - 595 Keith Road, West Vancouver When: 1830 - 2115 - Normal Parade Night timings Wear: Blue Uniform (C3's) Bring: Notes + Water NCOIC: Squadron Cadet Commander OIC: Lt Williams, M Description Tonight, cadets will participate in a regular training evening and arrive at their assigned times. (1800 for NCOs and 1830 for Cadets.) During the closing parade, we invite your parents and any guests to join us, as one of our adult staff members is to be sworn in as an Officer in the Canadian Armed Forces. Guest and parents are to arrive by 2045 tonight, December 4th. Questions to your Flight Commanders Commanding Officers Parade - 27 November
Activity: Commanding Officers Parade Who: ALL 525 Cadets and Parents Where: 525 LHQ - 595 Keith Road, West Vancouver When: 1830 - 2115 - Normal Parade Night timings Wear: Full Blue Uniform (C1's) Bring: Notes + Water NCOIC: Squadron Cadet Commander OIC: Lt Williams, M Description Commanding Officers Parade is a tradition in the military where the head commanding officer inspects the squadron and acknowledges the cadets' success over the past month. Cadets will arrive at their regular Monday night timings and participate in parade practice. Parents are highly encouraged to remain for the parade, which starts at 1910. The CO will march on at 1920, followed by the remainder of the Commanding Officers parade, including the inspection, march past, and awards and presentations. Parents are welcome to watch and support the squadron and their cadet. This Commanding Officers parade will recognize our new Squadron Cadet Commander, who will guide the cadets for the training year. After the parade, cadets will participate in a period of instruction followed by dismissal. Parents are invited to a meet and greet hosted by the SSC after the CO's parade. See the parents' SLACK channel for more information. Questions to your Flight Commanders Parade Night - 20 November
After being stood down for the past week, the squadron will resume our Monday night training nights. Please take a look at the uniform dress change mentioned below. Who: All Cadets Where: 595 Keith Road, West Vancouver What: Regular Training Night Returning Cadet Dress: FTU's New Cadets Dress: White collared shirt, Black Pants, Black Dress Shoes, Belt, Black Socks Bring Appropriate clothing for Physical Training, running shoes, and a water bottle. Time: NCO's -1800hrs till 2130hrs Cadets - 1830hrs till 2130hrs The closing parade will commence at 2105hrs. Parents are invited into the squadron to hear the announcements and to be aware of upcoming events or important deadlines. Any questions can be directed to your Flight Commander. Announcement - Remembrance Day Stand Down
Over the past weekend, 525 observed our community's Remembrance Day ceremonies. Remembrance Day is when we reflect on the sacrifice our fellow countrymen and women have made to secure our freedom and ensure peace throughout the world. Because of this, the squadron will not be parading on November 13th. All other activities during the week are still progressing as usual. We will again meet during our weekly Monday evening training on November 20th. Questions to your Flight Commanders. Activity: Remembrance Day Parade
Who: All cadets Where: Royal Canadian Legion, West Vancouver Branch 60 & West Vancouver Cenotaph When: Saturday, November 11th 2019 - 1000 to 1230 Dress: C1A (Blues with parka and poppy) NCOIC: WO2 Han, B OIC: CI Batten Description Remembrance Day is a memorial day observed in Canada since the end of the First World War to remember armed forces members who have died in the line of duty. 525 Squadron will be marching in the West Vancouver Remembrance Day Parade. Cadets will report to the parking lot of the West Vancouver Legion (580 18th Street, West Vancouver) at 1000 hrs. The parade will march up Marine Drive to the Cenotaph and then back after a ceremony. Cadets can expect to be dismissed at approximately 1230hrs. Many roads will be closed around the Legion and cenotaph for event security. Please allow yourself time to park outside the perimeter and walk to the Legion. Cadets are to have eaten before arriving, as no meals or snacks will be provided. Parents are welcome to stay for the parade; cadets can depart by 1230 after the parade returns to the Legion. Dress will be C1A with parka, gloves, rank slipons, and poppy. Cadets without a uniform will wear a white dress shirt, black dress pants, and a conservative jacket appropriate for the weather. Questions to WO2 Han, B Poppy Tagging - Sat & Sunday (4 & 5 November)
Activity: Poppy Tagging Who: ALL 525 Cadets (who signed up) Where: West Van Legion / Park Royal When: See Shift Timings Wear: Full Blue Uniform Bring: Uniform NCOIC: Squadron Cadet Commander OIC: Lt Williams, M Description Every year, from the last Friday of October to November 11, tens of millions of Canadians wear a Poppy as a visual pledge to honour Canada’s Veterans and remember those who sacrificed for the freedoms we enjoy today. While the Poppy is distributed freely to all who wish to wear one, the Legion gratefully accepts donations to the Poppy Fund. Cadets are to help the West Vancouver legion with their poppy campaign for 2023. Cadets are to arrive at the West Vancouver Legion 30 min before their assigned shift. Once they have collected their poppy tagging tray, they will go to the food court at Park Royal and meet either Lt Williams or CI Saravanan, who will guide them to the assigned tagging area in the mall along with any additional instructions. Cadets will leave their tagging area at the end of their shift, tell either Lt Williams or CI Sarvanan they are done, and head back to the West Vancouver legion to drop off their tagging tray. Saturday and Sunday shifts are outlined below. Shift 1 - 1000 to 1130 Shift 2 - 1130 to 1300 Shift 3 - 1300 to 1430 Shift 4 - 1430 to 1600 Cadets must attend the shift they signed up for; if they cannot participate, try to find a replacement through SLACK and speak to Lt Williams, M. Questions to Lt Williams, M |
January 2024
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Parade NightsMondays Nights - Resuming Sept 9, 2024