Activity: Paladin Response - Engineers Exercise Visit
Who: 6 Selected Cadets - Corporal or above When: Friday, December 28th 2018 | Departure 0700, Return 1730 Where: Meet at LHQ Dress: Combats or appropriate civilian attire | DRESS FOR THE WEATHER OIC: CI Wu, K Description Exercise Paladin Response is the annual engineer domestic operations and mobility exercise conducted in Chilliwack during the Christmas period. Military engineers will conduct training on fixed and floating equipment including the Medium Girder Bridge, ACROW Bridge and Medium Raft. 39 Combat Engineer Regiment invites cadets from supported units to observe interesting aspects of combat engineer training. The tour begins with a briefing at the Colonel Roger St John armoury at 0830, and will conclude by 1600. Following a safety brief, visitors will move through exercise activity locations with opportunities to observe the training and converse with the soldiers. There may be an opportunity for cadets to participate in assault boat familiarization and take a ride on a bridging boat. Cadets will be dropped off and picked up at the LHQ. The OIC will transport the cadets to Chilliwack and between activity locations by minivan. Cadets shall dress in combats or civilian attire appropriate for wet and cold weather, and bring a change of clothes. Cadets should bring a packed lunch and water bottle. Each participating unit has been invited to send 6 (six) cadets. Interested cadets must be of the rank of Corporal or above, and should sign up on the sign up sheet at the squadron by NOVEMBER 27th. Final selection of cadets will be announced the deadline. Please direct any questions to the OIC below: CI Kenny Wu Administration Officer | 525 Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron Department of National Defence / Government of Canada [email protected] / Tel: 778-385-1663 Christmas Mess Dinner Date: December 18, 2018 Time: 6:00 pm Location: 1068 Inglewood Ave, West Vancouver, BC V7T 1Y3, Canada Cost: $10 each (the rest of the dinner cost will be paid for by the SSC) We will take dinner registrations and cash up to and until the November 27th training night. Please have your cadet sign up with and pay $10.00 (exact change preferred) to James Wang or Christine Oberti at the Squadron tonight or next Tuesday. No refunds will be given for cancellations after December 4. Dress for the Christmas mess dinner: - Same as C-2, full uniform, but with white dress shirt and black bow tie under the tunic, replacing the issued blue shirt and tie. - Female cadets have the option of instead dressing in a gown with a hem that is below the knees. No cocktail dresses or uncovered shoulders. Hair should be done up in the back. Conservative make-up permitted. - Cadets without full uniform can wear dress pants and dress shoes with a white dress shirt and black tie (or, in the case of female cadets, a white blouse). Speak to Capt Mok, Z if you have nay additional questions. Activity: 111 Volleyball Tournament
Who: 10 Selected Cadets When: Saturday, December 15th 2018 | 0845-1700 Where: Eric Hamber Secondary School, 5025 Willow St, Vancouver, BC V5Z 3S1, Canada Dress: Appropriate civilian attire OIC: CI Wu, K Description 525 will participate in the annual multi-unit volleyball tournament hosted by 111 RCACS. Numerous other air cadet units in the Vancouver area will also be participating in the tournament. The tournament will be held in a rented school gymnasium, to be determined, within the City of Vancouver. Each unit may submit a team of 10 cadets. Interested cadets should sign up on the sign-up sheet at the squadron by November 20th. To ensure fairness, tournament rules specify requirements for team composition in terms of age and gender. The selection of team members will be made after the deadline above. Cadets shall dress in appropriate civilian sports gear. Lunch will not be provided; all cadets should bring a lunch, water bottle and snacks. Please direct any questions to the OIC below: CI Kenny Wu Administration Officer | 525 Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron Department of National Defence / Government of Canada [email protected] / Tel: 778-385-1663 Activity: 525 Squadron Skate
Who: All Cadets When: Tue, 11 December, 6:30pm – 8:00pm Where: Harry Jerome Community Recreation Centre, 123 23rd St E, North Vancouver, BC V7L 3E2, Canada Dress: Appropriate civilian attire OIC: CI Wu, K Description Cadets are expected to attend the holiday squadron skate in place of the regular training night. This is an opportunity for cadets to engage in physical fitness and connect with the other cadets. It will take place on December 11th, between 1830 to 2000. Cadets are to be dropped off and picked up at Harry Jerome Rec center. Transportation is to be arranged by the cadets. Cadets shall dress in appropriate civilian attire. Please direct any questions to the OIC below: CI Kenny Wu Administration Officer | 525 Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron Department of National Defence / Government of Canada [email protected] / Tel: 778-385-1663 |
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