All cadets are invited to participate in the snowshoeing and winter survival ex on February 2nd. Cadets will learn winter survival skills and get physical exercise while snowshoeing. Cadets are to dress in layers, with a waterproof outer layer and warm inner layers that can be taken off. Lunch will be provided, but cadets are encouraged to bring snacks and water in a day bag. Kit lists will be distributed prior to the event. Please see the attached kit list Cadets are to meet and be picked up at the 103 LHQ - 1513 Forbes Ave, North Vancouver, BC Drop off at 0730 and pick up at 1545. See you all there! ![]()
We would like to thank everyone in attending our first annual North Shore Cadet Group dinner.
The dinner marks the beginning of a formal co-operation between all the cadet groups on the North Shore. Sea, Army and Air cadets formed a council to plan various professional development and social activates for all cadets to participate in. For the reminder of 2019 we have two events on the books for the North Shore. First the North Shore Challenge - and adventure race of sorts where cadets will be solving puzzles and collecting clues while piloting bicycles around downtown Vancouver. Second, we have the North Shore Sports day. We are looking forward to seeing the council tackles their new responsibilities over the next year and we are hoping to see everyone again at our next North Shore Dinner. Special thanks to 103 RCACS for their assistance in setting up for the dinner. Lastly, we would like to thank our guests who attended. 1. Councillor Jessica McIlroy from the City of North Vancouver 2. Councillor Marcus Wong from the District of West Vancouver 3. Captain Sam Susanthan the Chief Instructor of FCM Marine Campus 4. Father Giovanni Schiesari the assistant pastor for the Christ the Redeemer Parish Thanks again to everyone involved, and we hope to see you next year. Last year, the Air Cadet League of Canada awarded more than $20,000 to deserving Air Cadets across the country.
Get a head start on the competition, start working today on your application! More details at the Air Cadet League's National Education Scholarships page. The deadline for applications is April 1. Questions to CI WU, K A few times a year cadets participate in a awards / promotions parade rewarding their hard work over the past few months.
To do this we conduct a parade with the Commanding Officer as the review officer. Cadets will be receiving awards in various areas We welcome all parents and loved ones to please attend to congratulate and support your child with their accomplishments. ALL Cadets are to arrive at the squadron NLT 1815hrs. Parade practise to begin at 1830 after attendance has been taken, parents are invited to be seated by 1910hrs. After the parade the SSC will be running a parents meeting in the classroom and the cadets will be participating in spots. Cadets please bring sports gear to change into. Any questions to the Commanding Officer. This upcoming weekend cadets who are applying for the coveted Summer Scholarship camps will be showcasing their preparation during the Review Boards Please see attached for more deatails. Questions to CI WU, K ![]()
ROYAL CANADIAN AIR CADETS NORTH SHORE CADET WING MESS COMMITTEE CORDIALLY INVITES YOU TO ATTEND THE NORTH SHORE WING DINNER ON SATURDAY, THE TWENTY-SIXTH OF JANUARY 1800 FOR 1830 HOURS AT LCol J.P. Fell Armoury, 1513 Forbes Avenue, North Vancouver, BC Cost: $20.00 (Includes three-course meal and cocktail punch) Dress: Business Formal or Black Tie for Men Long Cocktail Dress or Formal Gown for Women To secure seating, please RSVP by email and have cheques received to the below mailing address no later than Jan 10th to: 525 Pathfinder Squadron PO BOX 91751 1426 Bellevue Avenue West Vancouver, BC V7V 4S1 or [email protected] **Please Include Name (First/Last), Rank, Squadron number and contact email, along with dietary requirements. ** Specter Flight is the advanced survival group for 525. Cadets will learn survival techniques above and beyond what is required of their cadet training. Because of the expert level of training tryouts will be required.
Try outs will be open to Level 2 cadets and above. Try outs will be conducted in three phases over the next three weeks. 1. Physical Fitness 2. Advanced Survival 3. Small Leadership Tasking Scenarios Dress will be PT gear for day one, followed by appropriate civilian attire for the following two weeks. Also bring a water bottle and a notebook and pen. Any Questions can be directed to WO1 Sato - [email protected] Final team members will be announced during the January 29th CO's Parade. Once you have been selected it will be expected for you to attend every Monday night between 1830-2100hrs. You will also be expected to invest in surplus cadet survival clothing and equipment. ![]()
Activity: Mock Review Boards
Who: All Cadets attending Scholarship Review Boards Where: 1513 Forbes Ave, Cadet Building When: 12 January 2019 (see attached schedule) Were: Full Uniform OIC: CI Wu, K Description To ensure our cadets have the best possible chance of success for their upcoming scholarship review boards, 525 will be conducting a mock review board to prepare each cadet. Cadets are scheduled for specific time slots on January 12th. Cadets will arrive at the 103 Air Cadets building in North Vancouver in full uniform and await to be called into a specific interview room. Once the interview is complete cadets will be given feedback and dismissed. A hand out will be emailed out to all participants giving questions to prepare to answer for the review board. Questions can be directed to the OIC. Cadets are invited to attend the Annual Music Clinic in North Vancouver. Cadets will have the opportunity to receive specialized instruction and have the opportunity to test for the music levels.
Speak to Lt Khan, E if you wish to sign up |
January 2024
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Parade NightsMondays Nights - Resuming Sept 9, 2024